The Devil’s in the Details!

G’day, just a small update on one of the little detail areas on the Viper that I’ve been putting off for a while now, as I knew it was going to be frustrating, complicated and difficult. The Viper engine housings have a tapered edge and a flat rim around the engine greeblie details area:

I decided it was time to have a go at replicating this detail.

I started by calculating the tapered edge using a cone formula and creating a pattern. Then I cut out some sheet aluminium based on the pattern and test fitted.

I was happy with the angle of the taper and the fitting to the engine cylinder housing. Then I had to create the flat rim to suit not only the taper, but also the pipe/manifold greeblies.

After many hours of trimming, refining (and swearing) and working out how to logically fit/rivet the pieces together to create a smooth finished surface:

Happy that I’ve been able to come up with a practical solution for this detail. Still some refining to do around the pipe holes, but not too much of a problem and I’ll sort that out in due course.

I’m off to Bali for a short vacation with my wife and a couple of friends. Should be perfect for a quick recharge of the batteries 🙂

Until next time, stay safe out there